Selecting the right trader is essential and anything that helps keep the cowboys out is great news. Here's a few simple rules to keep you safe.
1. Always do your research - referrals will help, particularly from people you know. Websites such as Buy With Confidence and Which? Local actively monitor and vet traders. Business directories such as FreeIndex actively encourage referrals from customers.
2. Avoid buying from cold callers without doing many extra background checks. Your bank, Microsoft, British Telecom and other companies are unlikely to call you about your computer - just put the phone down on callers purporting to be from these or similar companies.
3. Ensure you know how to contact the trader, use land line telephone numbers wherever possible.
4. Never let someone remotely connect to your computer unless you really know them and never ever if they cold call.
5. Always seek quotes and ask questions. Expect to pay a fair price - something that seems too cheap is likely to be a problem.
Let's keep the cowboys out this Christmas.